
2024年2月27日—In-vitrodiagnosticforthesemiquantitativedetectionofDirofilariaimmitis(D.immitis)antigenincanineandfelinewholeblood,serumor ...,GetthemostoutofyourSNAPHeartwormRTTestwiththesedocumentationandtrainingresourcesfromIDEXX.,Learnhowyoucanconfidentlydeterminecanineheartwormstatusinabrief15-minuteappointmentwiththeSNAPHeartwormRTTest.,ComparisonoftheSNAP4DxPlusTestandtheAbaxisVetScanCani...

SNAP Canine Heartworm Antigen Test Kit

2024年2月27日 — In-vitro diagnostic for the semiquantitative detection of Dirofilaria immitis (D. immitis) antigen in canine and feline whole blood, serum or ...

SNAP Heartworm RT Test Product Insert and Resources

Get the most out of your SNAP Heartworm RT Test with these documentation and training resources from IDEXX.

SNAP Heartworm RT Test

Learn how you can confidently determine canine heartworm status in a brief 15-minute appointment with the SNAP Heartworm RT Test.


Comparison of the SNAP 4Dx Plus Test and the Abaxis VetScan Canine Anaplasma Rapid Test ... Comparison of the SNAP 4Dx Plus Test and the Abaxis VetScan Canine ...

SNAP 貓隻三合一檢測試劑產品的嵌頁廣告與資源

Comparison of FeLV Sensitivity for the SNAP Feline Triple Test, the Abaxis VetScan Feline FeLV/FIV Rapid Test and the Zoetis Witness FeLV-FIV Test. IDEXX ...

SNAP 檢測試劑快速參考指南

SNAP 檢測套組一覽表.............................................................................3. SNAP Pro* 分析儀.

SNAP 4Dx Plus 檢測試劑產品仿單與資源

Heartworm: What to do with Your SNAP Result ... 白皮書與專家審核文獻 :. Comparison of the SNAP 4Dx Plus Test and the Abaxis VetScan Canine Anaplasma Rapid test.

SNAP 心絲蟲RT 檢測

找出 您附近已確診的疾病。 參考文獻. Atkins CE.Comparison of results of three commercial heartworm antigen test kits in dogs with low heartworm burdens.

SNAP 心絲蟲RT 檢測試劑產品仿單與資源

SNAP 心絲蟲RT 檢測試劑產品仿單與資源. 產品資訊. SNAP Heartworm RT Test Product Insert · Accuracy of the SNAP Heartworm RT Test · FAQs about the SNAP Heartworm ...

SNAP Heartworm RT Test(5個盒)
